Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
From Policy to Implementation: Perspectives from Central Asia
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Central Asia is a region known historically as a major trade hub along the ancient Silk Road, connecting major markets in China, India, Russia and Europe. Its strategic location gives rise to significant geopolitical challenges in trade and security. How are trade policies being implemented on the ground to promote peace and security? How can public-private partnership be leveraged to promote resilience?
To help answer these questions, this episode features Mr. Dilshod Akbarov, Project Manager of Aid for Trade, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for Central Asia, and Mr. Bakhtiyor Shodiev, Managing Partner and Co-founder of Jahon Exim Group LLC, Uzbekistan, who share with the audience their experiences and insights from the policy level and the ground. Jahon Exim Group LLC is a producer and exporter of dried fruits in Uzbekistan, and is one of the SMEs engaged in the regional partnership platform – ‘Central Asian Working Group on Export Promotion of Agricultural Produce’ (CAWG) a joint project between UNDP, UNECE, GIZ and Hilfswerk International.
- Dilshod Akbarov, Project Manager of Aid for Trade at UNDP for Central Asia, and
- Bakhtiyor Shodiev, Managing Partner and co-founder of Jahon Exim Group LLC in Uzbekistan.
- Mr. Axel M. Addy, former Minister of Commerce and Industry and Chief Negotiator of Liberia's accession to the WTO.